Get to know me
🖥️ I'm a passionate full-stack developer with 2 years of professional experience in the world of software development.
🔎 I've always considered myself a person who loves to explore different areas and tools within this exciting field.
🔝 I have the ability to easily adapt to different environments, always with the goal of continuous growth.
🕹️ When I'm not immersed in lines of code, I like to unwind by exercising and enjoying time with my friends. After all, balance is key!
Valorant Info

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Software Development Engineer
Karibu Ltda.Responsible for leading projects in the innovation area. In this role, I worked on creating value propositions for various companies. Additionally, I focused on developing new projects using the power of AI, successfully implementing 70% of all proposed projects for production. The main technologies used included OpenAI tools (GPT and Whisper), Next.js, Express, and Python
I also carried out cost optimization tasks. The most successful example was related to an audio-to-text transcription feature. Essentially, we switched from using AWS Transcription to employing Whisper on a powerful on-demand EC2 instance, reducing the monthly cost from $800US to $120US (Cost optimization of 85%).
ReactVueTypescriptNodeJSPythonNextJSExpressOpenAIGPT-3WhisperAWSEC2S3LambdaDynamoDBServerlessLinuxDockerKubernetesGitGithubGitlabSCRUMSlackSoftware Developer
GatblacI was part of a work team dedicated to developing new functionalities within the Santiago Stock Exchange, one of the most importantones in Chile
I also dedicated myself to refactoring code by applying design pattern techniques and optimization within a large-scale project.
AngularJSJavaSpring BootTypescriptNodeJSStep Procedures SQL ServerMySQLPostgreSQLJenkinsSystem Engineer
WaykiMy main role involved planning and implementing an HPC Cluster to run artificial intelligence challenges. My work spanned from configuring hardware and network setups, ultimately building an HPC cluster that went into production at the server offices of the University of Concepción
I used the SLURM resource manager to configure the entire cluster, setting it up for the automatic execution of Singularity containers, eliminating any dependency issues in the solutions created by users.
ReactLinuxApacheMySQLGoLangBashShell ScriptingSLURMSingularity ContainersNetworksSoftware Engineer, Intern
CMPCI played the complete role of development, from requirement identification, planning, execution, to the system's deployment for monitoring and scheduling equipment checks in a factory (motors, fans, etc.), considering criticality, available personnel, and schedules
Google App ScriptJavascriptpythonGoogle Sites